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FREE tool resizing image

Posted: Monday, March 23, 2009

Note: Photo Gadget integrates with Windows Explorer so you will not start it like other programs. To use Photo Gadget after successful installation simply follow instructions available here:

Step 1.
Select your pictures in Windows Explorer.

Step 2.
Right-click on any picture file and choose Photo Gadget Picture Resize.

Step 3.
In the Photo Gadget dialog choose the new size for your pictures and click Ok.

Step 4.
You are now ready to send your pictures to friends or family.

Anda ingin mengubah ukuran photo dan file image seperti ;JPG, BMP, TIFF, PNG, PCX, TGA, software gratis ini boleh di coba,download DISINI,

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Sony Ericsson Theme Creator 3.27 & Themes


Sony Ericsson Theme Creator 3.27 & Themes

Theme Creator & Themes | 12.5 MB
Berkreasi bikin tema Sony Ericsson sendiri,

Download DISINI

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26 Antivirus Mobile(NEW Latest Updated 13-10-2008)


26 Mobile AntiViruses (NEW Latest Updated 13-10-2008)

This collection contains 26 mobile antiviruses for all models…

Symbian OS 6 - 7 - 8:
Anti Commawarrior
Anti Cabir
Avira Antivirus
Bitdefender Antivirus
BullGuard Antivirus
Commander Antivirus
F-Secure Antivirus
Kaspersky Antivirus
McAfee Antivirus
Norton Antivirus
Panda Antivirus
Simworks Antivirus
Smobile VirusGuard
Symantec Antivirus
TrendMicro Mobile Security
Zeon Antivirus

Symbain OS 9.1 and 9.2:
exo Virus Stop
Jiangmin Antivirus
Kasperksy Antivirus
NetQin Antivirus
TrendMicro Mobile Security

Download DISINI,

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Video to Sony Motorola Samsung Converter v2.10.26 (NEW)


Video to Sony Motorola Samsung Converter v2.10.26 (NEW)

Video to Sony Motorola Samsung Converter is powerful Video to Sony Motorola Samsung Converter software for mobile phone users. This Video to Sony Motorola Samsung Converter can convert all popular video to Sony Motorola Samsung Movie, easily and fast. It supports all mobile phone video formats including 3gp Movie and MPEG-4. It supports converting so comprehensive video formats including AVI, MPEG, WMV, DivX, XviD, MP4, MOV, RM to 3GP, 3G2, MPEG-4. This Video to Sony Motorola Samsung Movie could also convert the popular video file formats such as AVI, MPEG, DivX, WMV, to your Movie etc. Free download this Video to Sony Motorola Samsung Converter to have a try,download DISINI

Key Features
Converter for Sony W900,W950,M600,K790 3GP(320*240).
Converter for Sony K700,S700,K750,W800,W550,W810 MP4(176*144)(lower/normal quality).
Converter for Sony K300,J300 3GP(128*96).
Converter for Motorola V710.
Converter for Motorola V635.
Converter for Motorola V547.
Converter for Samsung D500.
Converter for Sanyo 5600.
Converter for MP3 - MPEG Layer-3 Audio.

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SpeedUP Internet Conection dengan cfosSpeed

Posted: Saturday, March 21, 2009

cFosSpeed v4.51.1481 (32 & 64 bit)

cFosSpeed is a Traffic Shaping driver for DSL modems and routers.

Internet acceleration and advanced Traffic Shaping for: USB DSL Modems, Routers and LAN DSL Modems.

Fitur dari "cFosSpeed":
· Perfect for online gamers!
· Extended Traffic Shaping for DSL modems, cable modems & routers
· Highly responsive when used with online games and filesharing (P2P) like eMule, Kazaa or Bittorrent
· Minimal ping times for streaming audio & video, Voice over IP (VoIP), Internet Radio, etc.
· Individual program prioritization
· Free configurable Prioritization
· Self-calibrating
· Layer-7 Analysis
· Firewall
· Automatic router detection
· Optimal Dial-Up connections - VPN - WLAN - MTU-Optimization
· Multi User Features - broadband limits

Download: cfos v.4.21, DISINI cfos new v.4.51, DISINI

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Posted: Wednesday, March 18, 2009

ExtraDNS merupakan sebuah software yang digunakan untuk caching DNS dan mengarahkan koneksi ke server.
software ini sangat cocok apabila ISP yang kita gunakan mengalami masalah pada DNS

software ini sangat mudah dalam penggunaannya,
  1. pertama-tama instal extraDNS
  2. gunakan keygen untuk membuat extraDNS menjadi full
  3. setting DNS kamu menjadi
  4. selesai

cara setting DNS windows dapat anda lihat di posting saya sebelumnya

untuk mendownload extraDNS Disini

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Cara mempercepat dan menyetabilkan koneksi internet


di jaman sekarang, tarif internet semakain murah..... seperti yang diberikan oleh telkomsel dan indosat...... 2 operator itu menyediakan paket internet unlimited. namun ada beberapa kelemahan yang dimiliki oleh koneksi internet melalui broadband / koneksi internet nirkabel

saya memiliki beberapa cara untuk membuat koneksi internet semakin lancar, tanpa down atau putus2..

demikian caranya
  1. instal program treewalk (pilih versi terbaru, dapat memilih dalam bentuk .exe atau .zip)
  2. setelah di instal ganti setting DNS dengan

cara setting DNS :
  1. pilih start-control panel-network and internet connectins-netwok connection
  2. klik kanan koneksi yang biasa anda gunakan / yang digunakan sekarang
  3. pilih tab networking
  4. klik internet protocol (TCP/IP) lalu pilih properti
  5. centang atau tandai use the following DNS server addresses
  6. masukan pada prefered DNS server
selain itu, kita juga dapat menggunakan beberapa DNS yang dapat di coba dan dapa mempercepat dan membuat stabil koneksi internet

kalo menggunakan DNS di bawah ini tidak perlu menginstal treewalk

* Daftar DNS TelkomNet

setting ini sangat cocok untuk telkomsel flash unlimited karena koneksinya sering down.

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Tambah Bandwidth Internet pada Windows


Pada dasarnya OS windows sudah membatasi bandwidth untuk koneksi internet sebanyak 20% dari total bandwidth yang seharusnya bisa maksimal, so.. jka anda ingin menambah bandwidth internet supaya koneksinya terasa lebih cepat dan kencang bisa dengan cara mengurangi atau mengosongkan batasan bandwidth tersebut supaya pada Windows kita bisa maksimal dalam menggunakan bandwidth yang sudah ada.

Ikuti petunjuknya seperti dibawah ini :

  1. Klik Start
  2. Klik Run
  3. Ketik gpedit.msc
  4. kemudian klik Ok
  5. Setelah masuk klik Administrative Templates
  6. kemudian Klik Network
  7. setelah terbuka klik QoS Packet scheduler
  8. kemudian klik Limit Reservable Bandwidth
  9. Dan setelah terbuka ubah setting menjadi Enable
  10. Kemudian ubah Bandwidth Limitnya menjadi 0
  11. Klik Apply,ok
  12. Kemudian keluar dan Restart komputer

Sekarang Compie kamu akan terasa lebih cepat koneksinya

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SMS gratis via internet

Posted: Monday, March 9, 2009

All Operator :: tested and work /
dibatesin 5 menit per sms, jadi setelah delay 5 menit bisa sms lagi

GSM : To Simpati, AS, Mentari, Im3, XL, Axis
CDMA : To Flexi, Starone, Esia

All Operator :: tested and work

Yang ini yang paling mantap, tapi harus daftar dulu di sini, masukan Nama lengkap,Email, dan Password, lalu klik signup

Lalu verifikasi ke email bila perlu, setelah itu, daftarkan nomer hape kamu di sini, klik call me to verify, maka nomer hape kamu akan dihubungi oleh operator jaxtr (be patient), tekan pada hape nomer yg tertera pada halaman web di layar saat kamu verify (verifing number). kalu sudah sukses tinggal masuk ke halaman SMS Text ,

Silahkan ber-SMS ria selama 1 bulan ^_^
no pain-no gain


All Operator :: tested and work

Mungkin sudah banyak yang tau, bahwa email yahoo sekarang sudah bisa untuk sms..tinggal klik new -- Text Message (SMS)

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Electronic Voting For Local And Federal Government

Posted: Sunday, March 8, 2009

Electronic voting is essential for diplomacy technology in both local and federal level government meetings. There are various electronic voting solutions for council chambers, legislative office buildings, and executive boardrooms. Using the electronic voting solution, participants can cast their vote on various agenda items, with the results to be shown to the public and archived immediately.

There are various features to consider when choosing the right electronic voting solution:


When the resolution is up on the screen and the vote is in process, the participants are pressing Yay/Nay/Abstain all at the same time. The voting solution should recognize each input and confirm them, at a very fast speed, back to the device. The data processing method should be secured and robust. The other factor in the reliability of a system is redundancy on the system. Should any of the components fail, there is a back up in the system to replace automatically for continued operation without any interruptions.


The voting solution should be modular and scalable. So the components are off-the-shelf and could be replaced, upgraded, and expanded when needed. Ordering custom designed solutions would limit us to only one vendor. There will be restrictions if any changes are needed in the room configuration, voting member addition, or service and repair.

Hardware vs. Software

Electronic voting solutions are either hardware based or PC/Software based. There are pros and cons for each solution. The hardware solutions are more robust and not dependent on the PC network and usually windows operating system, however the software based solutions are less expensive when there is an existing PC/laptop available per voting member.


For various applications, the voting solution should be adaptable and flexible depending on the requirements. We should be able to setup the pass rate and voting weight. The vote result can be shown in various formats depending on the meeting, agenda, and number of audience. The various formats available are bar chart, pie chart, summary, and individual votes.

Ballot vs. Nominative

Depending on the resolutions and application for the electronic voting solutions, there should be an option to cast the vote as either ballot or nominative. A ballot vote is similar to secret vote or anonymous; there will be no record of individual votes in the system. On the nominative vote, all the individual votes are being recorded. The vote result can be displayed for the public in a name list format. Also the system can print out the vote result based on the resolution number or the name of the voting member.


The security is also an important feature. The vote results should be stored in secured database. During the vote, the latest voting solutions use an IC card per voting member as verification for the participant. The voting rights, voting weights, and all the personal information are recorded in the IC card for the voting process to be secure.

The most reliable electronic voting solutions are the ones that are hardware based within a private network, expandable, yet standard off the shelf.

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Repair Internet Explorer 7


Even though you may be using the latest and greatest version of Microsoft's Internet Explorer, version 7.x, you may inevitably encounter problems that render your web browsing experience to be excruciatingly unproductive. If your computer is in bad shape and in dire need of clean-up, then indeed it may be time to repair Internet Explorer 7.

Repair Internet Explorer 7? How do you know if it is "broken" in the first place?

Well, here are some of the telltale symptoms that you have a corrupt installation and may have no other recourse other than to repair Internet Explorer 7 to get it back up to par again:

Web pages may take an unusually longer time than usual to load, even though you are a high-speed Internet connection.
Loading certain web pages may cause your browser to crash.
While surfing, for no apparent reason, your mouse cursor suddenly decides to morph into the infamous, dreaded hourglass, an unwelcome omen foretelling an imminent need to reboot your PC, as your entire computer has just frozen up!

Now, in a critical situation like this, you may be initially led to believe that your computer has been infected with a virus or with spyware. But did you know that, more often than not, the problem with Internet Explorer persists even after you have scanned your PC for them?

More often than not, the prognosis is that your PC's Windows registry has become corrupt, and is in dire need of repair and optimization. The Windows registry is your operating system's master database that stores all of the information about all of the software, hardware, user profiles, network settings, operating system behavior, mime types, and system security associated with your PC. Over time, as you install and uninstall programs, add and remove hardware from your machine, and download files from the Internet, errors can start to creep into the Windows registry.

Internet Explorer, like everything else on your system, relies heavily on the registry to lookup and to update information. If there are errors in the registry, or if the registry is unoptimized, this can cause Internet Explorer to slow down and even crash. And this instability can spill over to the entire operating system, causing your entire computer to run into problems. So, by repairing the Windows registry, you will automatically repair Internet Explorer 7.

Immediately upon completing a repair of Internet Explorer 7 through optimization of the Windows registry, you should experience significant results. You won't even necessarily have to both with going through a system reboot. Suddenly, your PC will perform significantly faster. It will no longer crash. It will no longer hang. Your web-browsing speed will increase exponentially. Your computer will boot up and shut down more quickly.

Why? Because when you repair Internet Explorer 7 by optimizing the Windows registry, the end result is that any and all searches against the registry will be more efficient and optimized, which results in a more robust operating system and a more productive user experience.

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Zebra ID Card Printers Overview

Posted: Saturday, March 7, 2009

If you are looking for a printer that is "made in the USA", Zebra has the solution for you. This Illinois based corporation distributes its products in almost 100 countries but keeps its manufacturing base close to home. The company's dye sublimation ID card printers are part of a much larger product line including bar coding, labeling and RFID tagging technology. This widely recognized brand is used by a stunning 90% of the companies featured on the Fortune 500 list and is a rapidly expanding supply chain innovator.

Each Zebra machine can print both monochrome and full color on PVC or composite card stock. These units can be supplied with 3 track mag stripe encoders and they offer a two year warranty on all equipment. Some models offer warranty upgrades which include an extended coverage period and a hot-swap program designed to keep your ID enrollment program rolling with minimum downtime in case of component failure. The entire range of Zebra machines is priced to sell in a tough economic climate so you don't have to wait for a market upturn to invest in a unit for your office.

P110i and P120i

These 10 pound desk top models can handle entry level and mid volume jobs for corporations, resorts, schools, and many other industries. The 110i prints single sided cards and the 120i covers the front and back for more design options. Both models can be equipped with automatic continuous feed hoppers or CardSense one-at-a-time feeders depending on your need to print bulk cards or single units. Monochrome ribbons are available for purchase in black, blue, and white so you can print on a variety of card stock colors and still have text appear clearly.

Training is quick and easy on these intuitively designed systems and this will save you significant time during the learning process. User friendly features include the LCD screen (which provides informational prompts), the drop-in ribbon cartridge design, and the blue touch points that let operators know which sections open up for access to the equipment's interior. Even printhead replacement is straightforward on the P120i since no tools are required.

P330i and P430i

The 330i is a high speed single sided printer that introduces an angled card hopper design specifically created to reduce mis-feeds. The 430i dual sided unit also has a reject bin that automatically segregates any cards that failed to encode correctly – allowing you to catch errors before you distribute the final product to customers or employees. Both of these models can be formatted to incorporate the latest in pass-through encoding options for contact and contactless smart chips. The built in Ethernet also allows you to connect these printers to your existing computer network without a supplemental device.

Since the 330i and 430i can process a variety of card thicknesses, you have the unique opportunity to print your company business cards on durable 10 mil PVC to create long lasting advertising. The print head is self aligning for maximum image clarity and Zebra's dye sublimation ribbons are designed to give you brilliant color. Making a visual impact with your card printer has never been easier.

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