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Repair Internet Explorer 7

Posted: Sunday, March 8, 2009

Even though you may be using the latest and greatest version of Microsoft's Internet Explorer, version 7.x, you may inevitably encounter problems that render your web browsing experience to be excruciatingly unproductive. If your computer is in bad shape and in dire need of clean-up, then indeed it may be time to repair Internet Explorer 7.

Repair Internet Explorer 7? How do you know if it is "broken" in the first place?

Well, here are some of the telltale symptoms that you have a corrupt installation and may have no other recourse other than to repair Internet Explorer 7 to get it back up to par again:

Web pages may take an unusually longer time than usual to load, even though you are a high-speed Internet connection.
Loading certain web pages may cause your browser to crash.
While surfing, for no apparent reason, your mouse cursor suddenly decides to morph into the infamous, dreaded hourglass, an unwelcome omen foretelling an imminent need to reboot your PC, as your entire computer has just frozen up!

Now, in a critical situation like this, you may be initially led to believe that your computer has been infected with a virus or with spyware. But did you know that, more often than not, the problem with Internet Explorer persists even after you have scanned your PC for them?

More often than not, the prognosis is that your PC's Windows registry has become corrupt, and is in dire need of repair and optimization. The Windows registry is your operating system's master database that stores all of the information about all of the software, hardware, user profiles, network settings, operating system behavior, mime types, and system security associated with your PC. Over time, as you install and uninstall programs, add and remove hardware from your machine, and download files from the Internet, errors can start to creep into the Windows registry.

Internet Explorer, like everything else on your system, relies heavily on the registry to lookup and to update information. If there are errors in the registry, or if the registry is unoptimized, this can cause Internet Explorer to slow down and even crash. And this instability can spill over to the entire operating system, causing your entire computer to run into problems. So, by repairing the Windows registry, you will automatically repair Internet Explorer 7.

Immediately upon completing a repair of Internet Explorer 7 through optimization of the Windows registry, you should experience significant results. You won't even necessarily have to both with going through a system reboot. Suddenly, your PC will perform significantly faster. It will no longer crash. It will no longer hang. Your web-browsing speed will increase exponentially. Your computer will boot up and shut down more quickly.

Why? Because when you repair Internet Explorer 7 by optimizing the Windows registry, the end result is that any and all searches against the registry will be more efficient and optimized, which results in a more robust operating system and a more productive user experience.


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